Balance candida overgrowth and improve gut health.

Learn about the root cause to symptoms such as recurring yeast infections, brain fog, skin rashes, thrush, digestive issues, anxiety. . .and more importantly - how to get rid of them.

Do you seem to suffer from a malady of symptoms, yet no one can tell you what the problem is? Have you ever been told it’s all in your head? Has anyone ever told you that you might have candida?

Yep. Been there – done that.

When my husband and I were told we had candida, we had no idea what our naturopath was talking about. But we quickly learned that it played a much bigger role in our health than we realized.

Do you seem to suffer from a malady of symptoms, yet no one can tell you what the problem is?

Not so very long ago, my husband and I were dealing with fatigue, brain fog, skin rashes, stubborn weight gain, stiff joints, and a myriad of other symptoms.

We sought the help of doctors only to be told phrases such as, 'you're a hypochondriac', 'there's nothing wrong with you', or to be misdiagnosed with debilitating diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis.

This created a passion to learn about natural wellness - and to become advocates for our own health. And now we feel better in our 40's than we did in our 20's!

I've combined my personal experience with my expertise as a Certified Health Specialist to bring you resources to help you balance candida overgrowth.

What is candida?

Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, that everyone has. It’s a normal part of our gut flora that’s harmless if kept in check. It usually lives on the skin and mucosal surfaces, like your digestive tract, mouth, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, etc. [1, 2, 3, 6, 24]

There are several species of candida yeasts, and currently 20 are known to cause infections in humans. [1]

Candida is seriously under-rated. While some wave it aside as a fad, or aren’t convinced it exists, other doctors, naturopaths, and herbalists believe it is the root of many hard-to-diagnose chronic illnesses as well as a pre-cursor to auto-immune diseases.

Book #1

Healing Candida with Food

  • Over 130 delicious recipes you can use while on a candida diet
  • Q&A's about candida
  • Foods to avoid list
  • Hyperlinked, alphabetized recipe index for easy navigation
  • Ingredient resources
  • 15 breakfast recipes
  • 13 lunch recipes
  • 13 soup and salad recipes
  • 5 bread recipes
  • 23 dinner recipes
  • 11 vegetable side dish recipes
  • 12 dessert recipes
  • 4 beverage recipes
  • 4 snack recipes + ideas
  • 11 condiment and dip recipes
  • 8 dressing and sauce recipes
  • 9 spice mix recipes
  • 11 DIY recipes

What are the symptoms of candida?

Conditions that can be caused directly or indirectly by candida overgrowth are many and varied:

abdominal pain
altered bowel function
Crohn's disease
irritable bowel syndrome
intestinal cramping
leaky gut
rectal itching

athlete's foot
canker sores
diaper rash
dry skin
itchy skin
jock itch
liver spots
nail fungus
ring worm

Autoimmune Diseases
ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
chronic fatigue syndrome
Hodgkin's Disease
multiple sclerosis
muscular dystrophy
myasthenia gravis
rheumatoid arthritis

chest pain
ear aches
frequent colds and flus
hay fever
nagging cough
oral thrush (white tongue)
postnasal drip
runny nose
sore throat
upper respiratory infection

attention-deficit disorder
autism/autistic tendencies
blurred vision
brain fog
lack of coordination
learning difficulties
memory loss
mood swings
poor concentration
poor memory
muscle weakness
suicidal tendencies

bladder infections
kidney infections
menstruation irregularities
PMS difficulties
urinary tract infections

Associated Conditions
adrenal problems
alcohol cravings
chemical sensitivity
decreased libido
Epstein-Barr virus
environmental sensitivities
flare ups on damp days
flare ups in moldy places
food sensitivity
hair loss
heart palpitations
hormonal imbalances
iron deficiency
irregular pulse
low immunity
mental illness
muscle and joint pain
poor circulation
slow reflexes
sugar cravings
weight (under/overweight)
yeast infections

Book #2

The Sweeter Side of Candida

  • Over 70 delicious desserts you can use while on a candida-diet
  • Q&A's about sweeteners
  • Baking tips
  • Shopping list
  • Hyperlinked recipe index for easy navigation
  • 10 cookie recipes
  • 4 bar recipes
  • 6 cake recipes
  • 5 bread recipes
  • 10 frosting recipes
  • 8 pie + 2 crust recipes
  • 8 dessert recipes
  • 11 candy recipes
  • 7 snack recipes
  • 7 beverage recipes
  • 2 DIY recipes

What contributes to candida?

Many things contribute to candida overgrowth. You’re looking at things like:

  • a weak immune system
  • antibiotics (antibiotics are only good for bacterial infections, not viruses (cold and flu). When you take it, it kills both good and bad bacteria and is useless against candida)
  • alcohol
  • birth control pills
  • chemotherapy
  • estrogen replacement therapy
  • hormonal changes
  • obesity
  • pregnancy
  • processed foods (poor diet, junk food)
  • radiation
  • recreational drugs
  • steroids
  • stress
  • toxicity (metals and chemicals)

Candida is what’s called an ‘opportunistic pathogen,’ which means that as soon as your resistance is lowered, it’s ready to make its move and cause disease. [6] A 2014 article in Trends in Microbiology states, “alterations in host immunity, physiology, and/or microbiota can lead to the inability to control candida albicans colonization on mucosal surfaces and the development of disease.” [5]

In plain English that means anything that lowers our immunity, disrupts our normal body functions, or causes our gut bacteria to get out of balance can encourage candida growth.

Book #3

Candida on Ice

  • 20 cold and delicious ice cream recipes you can use while on a candida-diet
  • 50 + pages of content
  • 12 ice cream recipes
  • 7 ice cream treat recipes
  • 2 cookie recipes
  • Our story
  • Helpful tips
  • Gorgeous, full-page photos
  • Detailed instructions
  • Hyperlinked recipe index for easy navigation

When candida becomes invasive

Candida is unique in that it can change form – from round and harmless to filamentous and invasive. When our bodies develop that ‘perfect storm’ from the issues mentioned above, candida morphs into its hyphae form, where it grows branches or ‘roots’ that invade cells and cause tissue damage. [3]

As well as forming invasive roots, candida creates closely packed communities of cells called biofilms. The biofilms are safe from antibiotic treatment and can create a source of persistent infection. [29] They can adhere nearly anywhere, are especially known for forming on implanted medical devices (e.g. dentures, catheters, pacemakers, etc.), and are largely resistant to conventional anti-fungals. [2]

Once a biofilm forms on an implanted medical device, it can lead to bloodstream infections and invasive infections of tissues and organs. Each year, over 5 million catheters are used. Biofilm infections occur in over 50% of them, and are responsible for an estimated 100,000 deaths. [2, 22]

Book #4

9 Common Symptoms Candida Can Cause Women

and what to do about them. . .

  • 60 + pages of content
  • Q&A's about candida
  • 9 common symptoms of candida and what to do for them
    • Yeast Infections
    • Urinary Tract Infections
    • Brain Fog
    • Anxiety/Depression
    • PMS/Menopause
    • Skin Issues
    • Constipation
    • Fatigue
    • Weight Gain
  • ways to avoid recurring candida

How do you get rid of candida?

So often people are frustrated because they’re told (by both conventional and alternative doctors) that if you have candida you need to do two things:

1. go on a sugar-free diet

2. take anti-fungals

The problem is that these two answers are only addressing a small percentage of the solution. Candida didn’t start growing out of control just because you ate sugar and didn’t take anti-fungals, so you can’t expect to get it back under control JUST by not eating sugar and taking anti-fungals. Many factors play a part.

Think of a newly planted apple tree. For your new tree to grow it needs more than just water.

Is water essential? Yes. But is water all it needs to establish a firm root foundation, grow straight, resist disease, flower, produce fruit, and thrive?

Not by a long shot.

Your tree needs the right soil. It needs sunshine. In needs the right temperature. It needs to be staked. It needs to be pruned. It needs to be watered the right amount. It needs to be protected from youngsters learning to mow lawn. . .

How long will it take?

This is a common question and the answer varies greatly from one source to another and from one person to another. Most often it depends on how long you’ve had symptoms and their severity. In my experience, it’s not a quick fix and those that attempt to tell you that you can be rid of it in a matter of weeks aren’t addressing the root of the problem and candida will inevitably come back.

Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND, author of Textbook of Natural Medicine, states that “chronic candidiasis is a classic example of a ‘multifactoral’ condition” and “effective treatment involves much more than killing the yeast with anti-fungal agents, whether synthetic or natural.” [Textbook of Natural Medicine, 4th edition, page 462]

Book #5

Candida-Fighting Herbs & Essential Oils

  • 20 + pages of content
  • 18 delicious recipes
  • Tips and ideas for using herbs and essential oils in your cooking
  • Our story
  • List of symptoms

Our Candida Story

Our candida journey, like most people’s, started long before we realized it. We were married right after I finished high school and while Travis was finishing college. Our lives consisted of working, studying, eating boxed or fast food, and late nights.

Several years into our marriage, we noticed that Travis’s nagging back problems were getting worse. We tried new mattresses, chiropractors, and heating pads without relief.

Then suddenly, our lives were turned upside down.

Travis's dad passed away from an intense battle with cancer that took over his body in a matter of months.

We gave birth to our third baby, a beautiful little girl – stillborn 4 days before her due date. There aren’t even words. . .

And in the midst of those difficult years, Travis’s health steadily declined. His joint pain became so bad he couldn’t roll over in bed without my help. When he went down stairs in the morning, he had to sit down and scoot down each step. One day he passed out at work and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. They ran multiple tests in the ER and eventually sent him home without answers.

Years passed as we visited doctors, and specialists, but still turned up empty-handed. Eventually we grew tired of them suggesting it was ‘all in his head’. We found a naturopath and, within the first visit, learned that Travis was suffering from Lyme disease and candida overgrowth.

Hearing ‘Lyme disease’ scared us. And when our naturopath said that nearly everyone had candida, we made the quick and foolish decision to ignore it and focus solely on Lyme.

By this time we had four young boys and I’d started experiencing ‘weird’ little things: a white-coated tongue, a skin rash that was slowly but steadily spreading, weight gain, bloating. . .but in view of Travis’s health issues, they seemed minor and silly to worry about.

We tried juice cleanses, fasting, coffee enemas, acupuncture, diet and exercise. Eventually we travel across the country to an alternative health clinic for Lyme in 2008. I’ll never forget how surprised I was when more than one person thought we were there because of my health instead of Travis's. My unhealthy obsession with trying to lose weight and stop the bloating was more visible than I realized.

While at the clinic we learned Travis had several allergies; gluten being the main one. Between the clinic and going gluten-free, many of Travis’s symptoms eased. . .for a while.

Then we heard about the book Nourishing Traditions. After devouring it from cover to cover, we realized that fat wasn't evil, and eating gluten-free wasn’t a good enough answer. Further research told us that many of the foods we ate (i.e. starches and even natural sugars) were feeding a common and underestimated problem called. . .candida.

Light bulb! There was that word again.

Five years after hearing about candida the first time, we decided it needed a second look and started researching. We found that nearly all of our ‘little’, ongoing issues pointed straight back to candida.

Further research told us that candida was supposed to be a ‘simple’ fix. All we had to do was stop eating sugar and starches. So we found a severely strict candida diet and were told we needed to follow it for 30 months. IF we cheated even once, we had to start the process all over again.

Suffice it to say, even though we gave it our best shot, we failed miserably.

Our candida journey became a quest beyond diet and anti-fungals. We spent several years digging, researching, reading, and experimenting.

Over time we started putting the puzzle pieces together and implementing them. Our candida overgrowth and symptoms eased, then disappeared, and have been kept in control since.

The events in our lives change us. We become who we are because of them. Our events taught us to embrace a healthier lifestyle and created a passion to take care of the bodies God gives us.

Travis used to say, “I feel like an 80 year old man in a 20 year old body”. But now we can both say without hesitation that we feel better in our 40’s than we ever did in our 20’s.

We’d love to help you feel the same.

Buying Options

Stand Alone Books

Healing Candida with Food
  • Over 130 delicious recipes you can use while on a candida diet
  • Q&A's about candida
  • Foods to avoid list
  • Hyperlinked, alphabetized recipe index for easy navigation
  • Ingredient resources


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The Sweeter Side of Candida
  • Over 70 delicious desserts you can use while on a candida-diet
  • Q&A's about sweeteners
  • Baking tips
  • Shopping list
  • Hyperlinked recipe index for easy navigation


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Candida on Ice

  • 20 cold and delicious ice cream recipes you can use while on a candida-diet
  • 50 + pages of content
  • Gorgeous, full-page photos
  • Detailed instructions
  • Hyperlinked recipe index for easy navigation


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9 Common Symptoms Candida Can Cause Women

  • 60 + pages of content
  • Q&A's about candida
  • 9 common symptoms of candida and what to do for them
  • ways to avoid recurring candida


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Candida-Fighting Herbs & Essential Oils

  • 20 + pages of content
  • 18 delicious recipes
  • Tips and ideas for using herbs and essential oils in your cooking
  • Our story
  • List of symptoms


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Bundled Books

Candida Cookbook Bundle

  • Healing Candida with Food
  • The Sweeter Side of Candida
  • Candida on Ice
  • Save 15% 


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Candida-Fighting Book Bundle

  • 9 Common Symptoms Candida Can Cause Women
  • Candida Fighting Herbs & Essential Oils
  • Save 15% 


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Or purchase them all together with our

Kicking Candida Program

Are you looking for a way to keep candida from recurring? Do you want a plan of action, recipes, a strategy, plus video content and expert speakers? I get it. I've been there - and I've created an integrative program to help you stop recurring candida.

Kicking Candida is unlike any other candida program out there. . .


What kinds of recipes do the cookbooks contain?

Healing Candida with Food includes a variety of recipes from baked goods like breads, muffins, and cakes, to savory dinner recipes that can feed the whole family, along with several fun beverages, snacks, and DIY recipes.

The Sweeter Side of Candida includes a variety of recipes from cookies, bars, and cakes, to pies, candy, and beverages everyone will love.

Candida on Ice includes a variety of recipes from simple ice cream to more elaborate, fun concoctions. From smoothies to ice cream treats, this book will be sure to please everyone in the family!

What kind of ingredients are used?

Healing Candida with Food uses: buckwheat flour, millet flour, tapioca flour, arrowroot powder, sourdough starter (may contain wheat), and coconut flour. For sweeteners, we use raw honey, xylitol, stevia, raw sugar, rapadura, maple syrup - most people dealing with candida will want to stick with stevia and xylitol, but because of food allergies and bio-individuality, we offer recipes that contain other sweeteners which we suggest to be used very sparingly for desserts eaten on rare occasions.

The Sweeter Side of Candida uses: almond and coconut flour and then stevia and xylitol for sweeteners.

Candida on Ice uses coconut milk so it is dairy-free. It also uses stevia and xylitol for sweeteners.

Are these printed books?

All of the books are in PDF format. Only The Sweeter Side of Candida and Candida on Ice can be purchased in softcover via Amazon. 

Can I view these books on my phone or iPad?

Yes. The ebooks are available in PDF format, so you can read it on your computer, iPad/tablet, or smartphone.

Will this books prevent candida overgrowth forever?

We can not legally claim that these books will cure your candida. Our goal isn’t to get rid of it (it’s a normal part of your gut flora), but to get it back under control and to create a healthy gut microbiome.

Still got questions? Contact Paula below.